Artist Call Out – Between River and Reed

Published: 8th March, 2021

Decorative image of marsh and reeds

*Please note the artist proposal submission deadline is now closed.

The Broads Authority’s Water, Mills and Marshes Landscape Partnership Scheme is inviting artists from Norfolk and Suffolk to submit proposals for the Between River and Reed exhibition to be held in the Broads National Park during June and July 2022.  Artists will draw inspiration from the rural communities, their lives, homes and environments within the Scheme area. The selected artists will each select a specific location and research how people’s lives and histories are interwoven with this environment and the changing environment of the Broads over time. The exhibition will comprise a range of contemporary media in any one medium or a combination: painting, sculpture, film, photography, printmaking, textiles and installation.  Following the success of the Woven Waters exhibition in 2019-2020 we are looking forward to another exciting exhibition encouraging us all to enjoy and treasure this beautiful landscape.


Please ensure that you read the details document before submitting a proposal form.

More DetailsProposal FormScheme Area Map