Between River and Reed Exhibition
We welcome the launch of a collaborative art exhibition, the final showcase of a year-long project; Between River and Reed, being held in the Broads National Park, which ran from June 2021 to June 2022 to explore rural communities in the Broads. This follows the successful Woven Waters project and exhibition at the Hostry, Norwich Cathedral in 2019.
The artists that took part drew inspiration from rural communities, their lives, homes and environments within the Water, Mills and Marshes scheme area. The artists each selected a specific location and researched how people’s lives and histories are interwoven with this environment and the changing environment of the Broads over time.
Between River and Reed will comprise a range of contemporary media in any one medium or a combination: painting, sculpture, film, photography, printmaking, textiles and installation.
The exhibition will be held at Skippings Gallery in Great Yarmouth and will run from 9th – 25th June 2022. Skippings Gallery is open Wednesday to Saturday from 11am to 3pm.
Introducing two of the artists…
We have five artists taking part in the project, all taking a different approach to the theme. Kazz morohashi and Sarah Horlock introduce themselves and how they have interpreted the Broads theme.

Kazz Morohashi
Kazz Morohashi is a Japan-born artist and designer who loves to travel on her US and UK passports. Her work is inspired by the creative culture especially of Japan—from traditional kogei craft to contemporary design and all things kawaii (or the culture of cute). She draws on social observations to fuel her narrative images. Animals are frequent characters in her work. Her art strives to capture the bright, beach-inspired energy of her hometown Los Angeles, the cheeky humour of the British and the playful spirit of the Japanese. Since the pandemic, Kazz has been exploring soft sculptural forms and materials.
For the River and Reed project, Kazz is exploring the Broads as an outsider looking in. Welding fieldwork with archival research on materials intended to promote tourism to the area, she is attempting to tap into the imagined allure of the Broads. You might spot Kazz on one of her adventures on foot, kayak or paddle board accompanied by her four-legged companion, Freddie.
Instagram: @kazzmorohashi
Twitter: @kazzmorohashi

Sarah Horlock
Sarah Horlock is a ceramicist based in Norwich, Norfolk. Her work is primarily inspired by ancient landscapes. An archaeologist by training, Sarah spent many years studying aerial photographs to identify lost traces of monuments and settlements hidden beneath the soil and revealed as cropmarks, or earthworks unnoticed within vegetation, including within the Norfolk Broads area. She has always found artistic inspiration in the graphic and abstract array of rectangles, squares, circles, dots and dashes, and linear marks that reveal themselves on the surface of the land. The decoration of her ceramics is heavily influenced by the distinctive shapes, patterns and layering of these ancient landscapes, with stylised trackways and enclosures traversing the surface of the pots.
‘Field Stories’
For the ‘Between River and Reed’ exhibition Sarah will explore the legacy of the ancient field systems that border the Halvergate marshes and the River Yare, with particular reference to the fields surrounding Wickhampton Church. She will explore the continuing traditions and practises that link the current farming community working the same land today with the past generations, in particular rites and rituals associated with the land and crops, such as plough blessings and harvest festivals and trophies. She will also explore the architecture and agricultural practises of the sugar beet industry; a relatively modern imposition on the landscape of the Broads, in particular the Cantley Factory, which dominates the skyline of the Broads. For both areas she will look at the stories and histories of the farming community, which are embodied within the boundaries, fields and agricultural buildings which border the marshes.
Instagram: @sarahhorlockceramics
Stay updated
Twitter: @Broads_LPS
Instagram: @water_mills_marshes
Use Hashtag #BetweenRiverandReed
Event details
Map of event location
- Event date: 9th June, 2022 - 25th June, 2022
- Price: Free
Event location: Skippings Gallery
133 King Street
Great Yarmouth
NR30 2PQ