Using Archaeological Records Workshop

Event date: 21st October, 2022

Free workshop to discover the Norfolk Historic Environment Record and how it fits with other heritage resources in the county.

Have you ever wondered whether anything of historic interest has been found in your parish? Or what might have been found before your local supermarket was built? Would it surprise you to know that there is a county repository to store this information?

The Norfolk Historic Environment Record (NHER) is the comprehensive and definitive record of the historic environment of the county of Norfolk. It exists to provide a record of all areas of known archaeological activity, sites, finds, cropmarks, earthworks, industrial remains, defensive structures and historic buildings in the county.

This half-day workshop will consist of a series of short presentations and hands-on activities designed to familiarize new audiences with the Norfolk Historic Environment Record and how it fits in with other heritage resources in the county. Throughout the day, attendees will discover what HERs record in their databases, what archive material they hold, and how to access and use this information to begin their own research and contribute to the store of knowledge.

The FREE in-person event will take place on Friday 21st October from 09:45 until 13:00 at The Norfolk Record Office. Full details and how to book can be found here.

Using Archaeological Records image

Event details

Map of event location

  • Event date: 21st October, 2022
  • Price: Free
  • Event location: Norfolk Record Office
    Martineau Lane
    NR1 2DQ
  • Book event at Eventbrite