Educational Resources

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Wet Woodlands

Wet woodlands are the rarest of the wooded habitats in the U.K. within the Broads National Park there are just 3,000 hectares. Not all plants and trees can survive in wet soils but those that can have evolved a number of neat adaptations to cope with the conditions.


Peat is not only an amazing type of soil but also a huge carbon store and the reason the Broads National Park even exists!


The Broads National Park is home to 11,000 different species of plant and animal including the all important pollinators - bees, flies, butterflies and moths.


The story of the Marshmen spans nearly three hundred years from the point when the first mills began to be built in the Broads.

Trading Wherries

Explore the world of the Broads’ trading wherries and the men and women who lived and worked on them.